Sunday, September 22, 2013

'Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death'

So I taught my very first hot yoga class in a studio just a few short weeks ago..and I was terrified. 
It is so important to remind ourselves that sometimes the things we are most afraid of are the most worthwhile. So I got there and the speakers weren't compatible with my phone. Uh oh, no music? I remembered what my very favorite muse of a teacher told us during teacher training. "Try not to rely on one way of doing". So I walked into the room expecting one thing and SMASH go my expectations and plan. Touche Universe, touche. I walked into the room, little cheat sheet in hand and I worked my way through an hour of hot yoga with fumbles, falls, and seemingly embarrassing moments. I was hoping to walk out feeling extremely fulfilled and rewarded but instead I was worried that my students left without finding their moment of peace and relaxation on their mat. I let myself over analyze every word for a short amount of time after class then moved on to planning how to make the next class better. A few days and a 90 minute hot yoga class (filled with amazing energy and beautiful souls) later and I felt like this:
Talk about an enriching and gratifying experience. I was so wrapped up in nerves and over excitement in the first class that I didn't allow myself to be authentic. With a small note card to glance at when I needed it, the 90 minute class flew by. I didn't have time to fit in everything I wanted to. Sure I tripped up a few times, but I felt that I provided a safe and encouraging environment for people to connect with their breath and body. To influence people in a positive way is the ultimate satisfaction and accomplishment, and equally as worthwhile as if I did a physical 90 minute practice myself. 

The energy in the classroom from one practice to another varies greatly. Although I have many people I see regularly on Wednesday or Sunday now, it is amazing to see where they are in their bodies at any given moment. Watching a class full of yogis is a beautiful thing. Cuing an adjustment and seeing an individual move into proper alignment makes my heart smile and gives me an extra pep in my step. Since the first class my confidence has grown two-fold. I'm exhilarated to see where this journey will take me, and feel alive in the classroom, whether I am practicing or teaching. Finding a voice can be difficult at times but if you don't dive into the unknown you will close yourself off to experiences that may help you become the person you are meant to be.
Give fear a swift kick in the ass
Don't doubt yourself
Surround yourself with people who love and support you
Always remember to return to your breath

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