Friday, October 11, 2013

Listen to your body, or it will force you to

It sounds so simple and yet many people don't even think twice about it. That includes I sit here with a virus that is forcing me to 'take it easy', my fiance is trying to convince me not to run the half marathon I already registered and paid for tomorrow. Excuse me but no way in hell will I waste the $75 I paid for a bib, t-shirt and excuse to go visit my beautiful sister in Charlotte, NC. 

It took me two weeks of feeling relatively awful before I actually even went to the doctor to make sure nothing was seriously wrong. Exhausted with a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes the most energy I exerted all day today was leaving the house for lunch. 

As I have begun teaching, I have realized that I have experienced few things more fulfilling than guided a group of people through their practice. I leave the studio after teaching a class with a greater yoga high than I have ever felt from my own personal practice. I feel so light, overflowing with love and gratitude that I may actually levitate. While the experience has been life changing and exhilarating, it has also challenged me and led me to many eye opening conclusions about myself. 

Fact: While it is important to challenge yourself, it is more important to surround yourself with love and support. If someone is subtracting from the confidence you have in yourself, whether that be the direction in which you have chosen to take your life or a general lack of support-you do not need to be around them. If they truly love you they will believe in your dreams. Listen to your heart. 'Set your life on fire' then allow those who gravitate towards support in the direction of your dreams to be the ones you hold most dear.

Let yourself slow down. Meditate on this: Your body sends you subtle messages all the time. You know what is best for yourself but people rarely let go of their ego long enough to suppress the little voice inside that guides us. Your knee hurts? Maybe you shouldn't go for that 10 mile run today. Have a headache? Perhaps you shouldn't stare at your computer screen for three hours tonight. Exhausted because you have only slept four hours per night the last week? Turn off the television, phone, computer and other stimulating devices, read a book instead and let yourself rest. Are you guilty of this? Because I certainly am. What with the changing season, midterms at school, training for running races, and whatever else it is going on in life it is easy to miss the subtle signs. They get pushed aside until BAM, you are sick for two weeks, and illness or injury occur. Your body says, 'not going to listen to me? Fine! Take THAT!' 

I like to think that I have gotten better at listening to my body. When I feel like going for a run, I do. If my feet hurt, I put down my mat and have 60-90 minutes of yoga. If the thought of doing either of these things stresses me out at all, I go for a long walk. Due in large part to swimming my entire life I feel that I grew up with much more body awareness than the average person (thanks mom and dad). But I also have highly competitive siblings from whom I learned that you cannot reach your athletic goals unless you push yourself past your comfort zone (thanks Danny and Jackie). 

There is a happy medium here folks. Care for yourself because nobody else will. Take time to reconnect with your body or it will force you to. Love yourself, or you'll end up like me..two weeks into a virus still feeling tired with a sore throat sitting inside all day because my body said 'enough is enough'. 

I hear you body..message received.
Will I be running that half marathon tomorrow you ask..? We'll see how I feel in the morning ;)

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