Monday, October 7, 2013

What helps you feel grounded?

This got me thinking..

Funny! Yoga teachers (myself included) use visualizations referencing trees when trying to help students become more grounded in class. Being grounded is remarkably important in your life and on your mat and can be extremely difficult to access at times. Have you ever been well into a yoga practice and get to a balancing sequence to find that you cannot for the life of you stay balanced (cue frustration, cursing under your breath, rolling eyes, looking at others)?

The arch nemesis of your first chakra is FEAR, so it makes sense that anxiety, stress, restlessness, worry, and exhaustion are directly associated with a faulty first chakra. It's easy once we taste that fear to get stuck in the vicious cycle that can take you to emotional, inconsistent and unreliable places. 

Fun facts about the first chakra (courtesy of Shannon Harty):
(the colors of the chakras are the same as those of the rainbow from bottom to top!) so...
Color: Red
Sense: Smell
Location: Base of the Spine
Element: Earth
Animal: Elephant

Physical dysfunctions associated with the first chakra:
Chronic back pain
Varicose veins
Immune related disorders

The first chakra is the energy center where you find connection to the Earth, things greater than yourself, friends, family, and where your sense of home is. If you are experiencing some kind of turmoil, or your world has been turned upside down, it's quite possible that will translate into your yoga practice and largely the way you relate to others. Finding your connection with family and the unit of support physically and emotionally can help you open yourself up to a world of possibilities you didn't know existed. It is much easier to balance on one leg, your big toes, or the top of your head if you are wholeheartedly confident that you are loved, supported, and connected to the Earth and your friends and family.
I've been in a place where I felt I was missing my 'tribe'. I made some not so advisable decisions and in turn had very little communication with my family for many months. I literally did not speak to the people who love me most in this world for months. I wondered when I practiced yoga during this time if I was ever going to find stability in my balancing postures. I swayed at the very thought of closing my eyes in Tadasana, as if the ground would literally drop from beneath me if I let my guard down for a single moment. I had constant back pain, migraines, sleepless nights, bouts of depression, and very upsetting thoughts about myself (I was a hot mess). My father was diagnosed with cancer during that time and that shook the ground beneath my feet even further. Every bone in my body told me 'enough' and I forced myself to take a step. ONE step is all it takes to start to find lightness and connection again. I am not a tree..I moved, I changed where I was in my life and through those changes I began to heal and find what I was missing. 

Experiencing any of these physical dysfunctions? What to do, what to do..?

Go for a walk..or run..a skip..go to a park..just go outside. Leave your phone in your house while you're at it. Let yourself disconnect from whatever text you are waiting to receive, phone call you feel you need to make, or email you need to check. There is unending beauty surrounding you at every turn. Just allow yourself to acknowledge that beauty and let it surround your mind, body, and soul. Breathe it in. Breathe it all in. Breathe in all of the fresh air and new energy that you possibly can. Exhale out the negative thoughts, frustration, and worry. Nature, love, and gratitude can be humbling, and it can bring you back from very dark places. Opening yourself to these things can help you feel grounded and supported. Think very hard, find at least one thing that makes you feel calm, supported, truly loved and build from there.
challenge you someday soon to do a short yoga practice (maybe a few sun salutations to connect movement with breath and warm up your body..and throw a few balancing postures in there). Then stop. Take a break..and roll the arches of your feet out on a tennis ball. Then use your hands, press into all corners of your feet with your thumbs and really give your feet a little love. Return to your mat and do the same practice again and focus in on the changes. You will FEEL the difference physically, but you can find that same connection without the physical stimulation. Standing tall and proud in Tadasana close your eyes. Imagine you are a tree and roots are growing from your feet deep into the Earth.  Growing, extending, spreading out these roots build in strength and size until you are firmly planted in the ground. You are one with nature. One with the world around you.

Family, tribe, clan, kinship..whatever you want to call it you need it and it is the most important thing in your life. Cherish your friends and family because everything else is built upon that and nothing matters without it. The chakras begin at the base of the spine extending down through your legs and into your feet. Energy flow begins in your physical body with grounding. 

Studying yoga and my journey through teacher training has helped me come to terms with the struggle I had with myself. I have never felt more supported and loved in my life and that begins with the love and appreciation I have for myself and others. 

Find your stillness, security, and stability. 
You have everything you need, use it to find your greater connection.
Breathe. Love. Breathe again.
What helps you feel grounded? Go get more of it!

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