Wednesday, October 2, 2013

'Living in the moment- Living my life- Easy and breezy-With peace in my mind..'

'..With peace in my heart, with peace in my soul..'

So yesterday, the first day October (and my wedding month a year from Friday!), I found myself counting the number of days until I pack up my life and finally move into the same state and home as the person I am over-the-moon through the stars and out of this world in love with.

I spend my Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings telling people to let go of their responsibilities, expectations, worries, and stress. I try to coax you away from a place where you are thinking about what you need to do after class whether that be in an hour, day, week, month, or even year. It doesn't matter when, just clear your mind. Get to a place where when you walk out of the room you feel no weight and can take the deepest breaths possible to fill your body. I try to teach you to create space by dropping these heavy burdens opening yourself to the beauty of the present moment. Experience your body and mind exactly where it is in this moment and fill the space you are creating with acknowledgment, love, and gratitude for whatever you are feeling. 

Ugh. Bad Carolyn, bad.
I had to stop myself. I was literally counting the days until I move from where I currently reside physically, intellectually, emotionally, etc.. Practice what you preach, right? Am I stopping myself from being fully present by doing this? 

My answer to myself: NOPE

I feel that I can set aside these feelings and excitement for what the future holds by going for a run in one of the most beautiful places I have ever lived. I can practice yoga in my room with the windows open and no responsibilities but my own well-being. I can practice yoga at Body Balance surrounded by a strong community of like minded individuals with a common purpose. William and Mary holds so many wonderful feelings and I have a strong sense of gratitude for everything the College of William and Mary, my brilliant professors, and exceptional peers has taught me. But why do I continue to escape the present to muse on what the near future will be like? My heart is speaking loudly and telling me that I am ready for the next chapter in my life. So I find comfort in the fact that I am at peace with where I am in this present moment in my life while still allowing myself enthusiasm for what is to come.

We are, after all, merely humans. And sometimes our hearts speak so loudly that we must just go with the flow.

(75 days by the way..)
And I will enjoy every last one, feeding my soul with all long walks soaking in the beauty that fall and the tiny town of Williamsburg has to offer.

Live in the moment, but don't fight whatever it is your heart is telling you.
Surround yourself with love and support.
Love yourself. 
Love others.

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